Monday, July 29, 2013

Feeling Like A Song Lyric

A few days ago I was feeling totally overwhelmed. There were/are so many loose ends that I was just waiting to get tied up. And while there are still some of those, there are nearly as many now. And it feels really good.

One of the things that was hanging over my head to take care of was my yard sale. About a month and a half ago I sent out an email to everyone at church asking for donations for this massive yard sale I wanted to have. As things started rolling in, it was clear that I wasn't going to be able to have only one. So I had my first one, and made $200. Then, as the summer went on, ore and more people started to bring me things. So I had this huge yard sale on Saturday. I had to work out locations, ads and tons of other stuff. I figured out that I was gonna have it in this building at Potter, and since Potter had a youth group volunteering there Friday, they lent me some volunteers and they helped me move somewhere around 40 boxes over to the building. Saturday was the relatively easy least the morning. I made around $400, so that was really exciting. Saturday afternoon my awesome youth minister and friend Jordan helped me tear everything down and put Allen Phy back together. I'm so so so SO relieved to have that behind me now. That was definitely a huge item on my "to do list" that I got to check off! Whew!

Both my passport and luggage have come in the mail within the last couple days. It always really stresses me out to order things offline, because I'm always afraid that they won't get to me by the time I need them. But, now that I have my luggage I can pack. It's also a HUGE relief to have my passport all done and taken care of.

So, because those huge stresses are taken care of, I got to enjoy today. And I'm so, so glad that I did.

As far as days go, today was exceptionally good. I couldn't go to sleep until about 5:30 this morning, which kind of sucked. But, around 11 I woke up to the sound of my mom on the phone with her friend Tiffany telling her that she would get lunch and bring it up to her apartment so they could hang out. I woke up all the way and convinced my mom to take me with her. So my mom and I went and got Zaxby's and then went up and hung out with Tiffany.

Then, mom and I dropped my phone off at this place called Digital Doc. It's this place where they repair electronics. Both my phone screen and the back of it were shattered, and I'd been wanting to get it taken care of for a long time. So I was super pumped about finally getting it done.

I had some free time this afternoon, so I texted Kaitlin, who I hadn't seen all summer, and asked her if she'd like to go to band camp. She said yes, so we met at the school and went in to see everyone. We started in the auditorium, which was where the front ensemble was. Neither of us had seen Mitch since graduation, so we were both really excited about that. When I walked into the auditorium they were in the middle of playing part of their show. When they noticed us and finished playing, Zach, Mitch, and Dana all ran off the stage and hugged me. With a little convincing, I got a hug out of Josh as well...I missed my babies, haha. It was so nice to see them all...It was nice to see everyone that I'd missed, really. But the most exciting part was seeing Mitch and Kaitlin. A technology only relationship with them is not enough.

After band camping, my mom and I went to the mall for a bit, but we didn't get to do much shopping, because we had to be at Potter by 4:30 to go out to eat with the youth group that's currently volunteering there. It was really fun to go out to eat and sit and talk with people.

My friend Taylor picked me up from Cheddars, and we went to Toys R Us. We had planned to buy something for Elsie for her birthday, along with the other Taylor in youth group (yeah, a gift from The Taylors cause we're cute) but some money stuff happened, so it got prolonged. We finally had all the money, so Taylor Evans and I went to Toys R Us to get this tunnel thing for her that we'd all already agreed on. So after we got it, we went and wrapped it (in Dora paper) and then took it over to Ryan and Melinda. Elsie was asleep when we got there, but Melinda said she could get up and play for a little while. So she got up, and got really excited about the wrapping paper, and then Melinda opened it and set up the tunnel thing. It was so funny to watch Elsie get warmed up to it. At first she just sat on the edge of it and laughed at whoever was on the other end. Then she eventually would crawl through it if either Ryan or Melinda was about halfway in the tunnel holding out their arms to her. Then eventually she just started taking off crawling through it. I'm really glad that we got her something that she can enjoy. After that we just sat around with Ryan, Melinda, Jordan and Austin and watched Honey Boo Boo. I'd never seen it before, so that was interesting.

Then Taylor and I went and got GADS in what we refer to as "Donuts After Dark" then danced and sang all the way home.

Basically today was one of the best days I've had in a long time. It made me feel like that song lyric from Singing In The Rain..."What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again..."

I think I might be the most blessed girl in the whole world.