Wednesday, May 1, 2013

One bite at a time...

Stressful. That's the word I would use to describe my life of late. I literally have SO much to do. This is a list of the biggest things that are hanging over me.
  1. Find a job
  2. My AIM application
  3. NOT fail physics
  4. Write a ten page paper
  5. Graduate high school
Yeah, it looks like a small list, but there are so many subcategories with those. I just feel like my head is spinning. But, the other day, my mom was talking about being stressed, and someone said to her "Just remember, you eat an elephant one bite at a time." This resonated with me so much, because I've been trying to accomplish everything all at once, and it doesn't work that way. I wish I could just get all of this done in one easy burst of effort, but it's looking like my life for the next month or so is gonna be a marathon and not a sprint. I'm holding onto all this stuff that I've got to do, and it ends up making me not want to do ANYTHING at all, because I'm so overwhelmed. That's not good, I guess I need to change my attitude, and make myself see that I can do all of these things if I break them down into smaller parts.

I suppose for the next month I'm just gonna have to remind myself of 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." I need to fight this "fight" that is the last month of high school and all the "senioritis" that comes with it. I need to finish this race, that I'm now seeing as a marathon rather than a sprint, and I need to keep my faith. I'm gonna keep my faith in God, and my faith in my family and friends while they support me. I know I can do this, if I just put in the effort. I'm the litle engine that could... "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."

In other news, I've got a senior banquet this Saturday night at church. It's gonna be so fun. We have dinner, cake, there's a slideshow of all my baby pictures, my mom gives me a "blessing" and best of all we get gifts! I know that shouldn't be what I'm most excited about, but, if we're being honest, I'm pretty pumped about that...the gifts are always really yeah. I'm also really excited about the blessing that my mom is supposed to give. I know they're called blessings, but they basically always turn into a speech about how awesome that person's kid is. And I'm pretty awesome, so my mom shouldn't have any trouble coming up with a speech for me. ;) Just kidding, but really, I'm excited to see what she really thinks of me. Something that has been really stressful with all of that, though, is that my family cannot come. Like, basically it's just gonna be my mom, brother, and I. And, as much as I love them, it breaks my heart that none of them can be there. My family is so divided sometimes that it breaks me up inside. That's the biggest reason that, even if I do get a divorce someday (which I'm absolutely determinded not to let happen!) I'll make sure it's one where both families are friendly and can be around each know, for our kids. Because separated familys really stink, I can tell you that much...

Alright, enough rambling about how stressful my life is...I'm gonna get to work now eating this bite at a time. ;)