Lately, I suppose because so many things are changing, I've been feeling nostalgic. So I thought I'd go through old Facebook pictures. I decided that it might be fun to put them all together in one place and kind of reflect on the last 4 years. This will definitely be long, but I'm so beyond caring. I'm enjoying it.
FRESHMAN: '09-'10
Ok, there aren't a ton of pictures from Freshman year, because I was really awkward and didn't like to be in pictures so much. But here are the few that I do have.
Freshman year, I was introduced to marching band...and I kind of fell in love. It was just like this whole new world opened up and I really just loved it. This is my friend Erin and I, I guess at band camp (because the school is cold, so we wore sweats in the afternoon, I guess.) Also, take note of my douchebag sweatshirt. I made interesting fashion choices when I was a young'un.
Leadership retreat 2010 happened to be our first ever youth trip with Ryan, which was pretty awesome. Jumping pictures were pretty popular during this time, and continued to be a hot trend through the rest of high school...let's just say, I have a lot of jumping pictures from high school. I don't know why we thought they were so cool...
INDOOR. Ok, if marching band was like falling in love, indoor was 1000x more intense than that. I love love love indoor drumline. Like, the music aspect is there, which is awesome. But with indoor comes a whole new level of performance, which is lots of fun. (BTW, our show freshman year was called "Pop" and it was basically everything from pop music to pepsi...)
Summer 2010 was, as I like to say, the best, most life changing summer of my life. I found God, and happiness. I remembered what love was, and all kinds of other wonderful things. I could go on and on.
Uplift at Harding is the best. And our youth group shirts are pretty cool, too. (I'm actually wearing mine as I type this...weird.)
I got baptized. Best day of my life. Never looking back, either.
SOPHOMORE: '10-'11
Marching band 2010. Carnival of the Animals. The music was awesome. The concept was awesome. We kicked butt.
Read Dateable with the youth group, and learned the importance of holding on to your candy bar. (Babe heck of a candy bar...)
New Year's lock-ins are always fun. This was my team, we called ourselves the Little Monsters because Lady Gaga is a cool chick, and also our youth minister does not like her, which made it all the more fun.
Leadership Retreat '11. Tons 'O Fun
I got my permit, and quickly learned what a terrible teacher my mother is...(love you, mom.)
Indoor 2011 was truly a life changing experience. It's not something that I told a whole lot of people about, but when we did Nevermore, and I learned how to play marimba, it really awakened my determinated spirit, and it gave me all kinds of self confidence that I didn't have before.
SRT 2011... We did service work, and then went to the World of Coke, and did touristy stuff in Chicago...
I rode a train for the first time. :)
Me and my "man"...this became a joke throughout the whole summer. Eventually, all the other girls got "men" too and we went on dates...this was especially fun at church camp...
Church camp 2011...all I can say is awesome! The senior girls cabin (which I got to stay in, even though I was only a sophomore...) had a window that was right next to the boy's bathroom. So, at night, when the guys were going to shower and stuff, we would just open our window and talk to them as they were going in and coming out. And, because at this point we all had our "men" it was even more interesting. I've seriously never laughed so hard in my whole entire life. I have so many stories I could tell from that week alone that it's not even funny.
JUNIOR YEAR: '11-'12
The pictures from this year are kind of all over the place, which is weird. But there are really random spans of time between them. I'm not sorry. ;)
Marching band 2011, "What's Out There". This was a really interesting show concept, but it was unfortunate because the judges didn't really like it. It kinda sucked, because it was like no matter how well we did they weren't pleased. But it was a fun show to do, and I think that's all that matters in the end.
Fall retreat 2011 was kind of boring. It was something new that we tried, with all kinds of people that we didn't know and stuff like that. It was kind of a let down. However, I did bring a pair of pants that was somehow big enough for four of us. They almost ripped, which would have been really unfortunate. But we ended up figuring out a way to walk in them without them ripping, so all was good there. I laughed so hard during this, and it made for a couple really funny pictures.
Our first youth group thanksgiving at Ryan and Melinda's house. Basically, we just went over there and they made thanksgiving dinner for us. The first thanksgiving they'd ever cooked. It was really awesome to sit around with my best friends, and talk about things that we were grateful for and stuff. And, you know, good food is good food.
CYC was really fun. We went to Gatlinburg, stayed in a cabin, and had lots of other fun. I love Gatlinburg, and I loved all the other fun things that go along with a fun trip like that. Our cabin even had a swimming pool built in on the bottom floor.
Indoor '12. "The Race"...the show concept was literally all about this guy who was running a race. We played tons of popular songs, such as Flight of the Bumblebee, Black & Yellow, and We Are The was fun to perform, but I tend to like darker shows rather than the ones where you have to be all happy and bouncy. Intense is fun.
SRT 2012 was fun. This picture makes me smile, because the only reason Brennen is hugging me is because he lost a bet. It makes me laugh a lot, because under normal circumstances, he doesn't hug me. It's so rare, but it's caught on camera.
OH MY GOODNESS YOU GUYS. This is where Remember The Titans was filmed. Seriously, it's so beautiful on this college campus. I'd totally go to school there, if it wasn't for the fact that it costs a lot of money. More than your average college education. Which, as we all know, ain't so cheap itself.
Oddly enough, this is probably the section where I have the most pictures. But, as my phone got reset, I don't have them anymore. They're all on hard copy, and stuff. So they can't go here. It's unfortunate.
Summer camp 2012. This year was a bit different because we didn't go to the place we'd been going to forever. We decided this year that we would go to Taylor Christian Camp with some other churches. None of us were very happy with this, and it wasn't something that was kind of a sore subject. The week had a lot of bad qualities, but it had good ones at the same time. Good thing: several people got baptized. Bad thing: there were a lot of harsh rules and rigidity.
SENIOR (!!!!) '12-'13
AHHHHH! Finally. Unfortunately, I don't have, like, any pictures from the first semester of Senior year. So these are basically all pictures from the spring semester of senior year.
We started having a girl's night in youth group. It's fun to go and hang out, just the girls. Also, isn't Elsie the most presh?
CYC and staying in Gatlinburg...beautiful and fun as always. :) I especially enjoy sitting in the hot tub and looking out at the mountains, having girl talk. Something really special happened on this trip. One night, the girls were upstairs before lights out, and we all decided to have prayer time. I really like to pray, and it was awesome that they asked me to pray for all of us. They all gave me prayer requests, and I prayed and it was incredible. I could really feel that all of us just opened our hearts in that moment, and we were all connected and we truly felt for each other. I just felt so surrounded by love. It was the best. I loved it a lot more than I can explain.

Y'all...I flew to Texas. All by myself. It was so scary, and incredible, and so many other things. I enjoyed my time there so much, and it was a week that I'll for sure never forget. I can't wait to go back to Texas in the fall...this time to live. You all have no idea how awesome that sounds to me. I can't even explain. :)
NEW YORK CITY. I already talked about that, but it was important, so I obviously included it. (P.S. TEAM NONIE!)
My last ever Lads To all can't even understand how bittersweet that is. But, anyway, Angel Ann, Sydney, and I did a then and now picture from when we were younger to then. It was lots of fun and I really love this picture. However, this is the trip where I got the Norovirus. Basically, the Norovirus is death. At least, it made me want to die. I was just so sick, it was terrible. And it's DISGUSTING. Anyway, I love Lads To Leaders, and it makes me want to cry, thinking about how last time was my last time ever. So sad.
Ok, this wasn't really an important event, but this IS an important girl. I love Elsie so much, you guys, and I'm SO glad that she's part of my life. Her Elsie smile just brightens my day whenever I'm around her.
I've already talked about senior banquet, but I love this guy, and this picture. This, my friends, is Taylor Morgan Clary. <3
Had anti-prom with Kaitlin and Courtney. It was lots of fun, and I'll never forget going out to dinner then then taking pictures on the square with them. I laughed so hard, especially when this guy scared Kaitlin. But that's another story for a different day...
Prom. You know how it is.
I LOVE MITCHELL CORDER AND I'M GONNA MISS HIM SO MUCH. This was "field day" last one ever, hallelujah.
Band banquet. The last one I'll ever be a part of. As a senior, we got to give speeches and stuff like that. it was really cool. This is a really excellent picture. I have so much respect for this man, and he just means so much to me. He came into my life at a very crucial time. I didn't really have a father figure, and he was a huge aide in reminding me that not all men completely suck. I love Mr. Morrison so much.

This picture kind of stinks, but whatever. I had my last ever band concert. It's so unreal to me that I'll never play with the Greenwood band again. It's bittersweet. However, at the concert, we played movie night pieces, and basically, I ruined a song. We were playing music from The Hobbit, and I had a part that required sever different instruments. I somehow managed to knock EVERYTHING over in the middle of a sad, serious part. It was loud, and obnoxious, and everyone knew it was me. Embarrassing. Oh well, I'll own it. I will for sure miss band, though. It's probably the only thing I'm going to miss from high school.
Graduation practice was an interesting experience. It was really boring and it felt totally pointless. This guy sat behind me, and he would just say all these completely random things that were obviously lies. They were funny, though. So oh well.
I graduated. And that's the end.
Needless to say, while high school hasn't been the best, I have had some really, really, fun times. :)
I can't wait to see what the rest of my life holds...